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Easy Donating!


If we told you that you didn't have to write another check when it came to fundraising, would you believe it?

Here we are making everything electronic.  You can use your credit card if you want the 'points' or you can use your checking account directly!  Whatever is easier for you and your family!

Help Improve SLHS Athletics​

From facilities, to equipment, coaching staff and more, your dollars are making a huge difference! 

​Support Causes Bigger Than Us

With so many kids being a part of so many different sports, you can help in many more ways than you think!

Your Dollar Is Going a Long Way

We are going to start off by the kids making $0.85 on the dollar.  Then we're going to throw in an addition that says, if you want to plug additional income into your program (or get your fees wiped away) why not try to get to 100% profitability!

​CLICK HERE to find out how!





​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​2013 Golf Ball Drop​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


​Our Golf Ball Drop will be taking place on February 22, 2013.  Make sure you get your balls before we sell out!


This is an exciting addition to the funding of SLHS, ensuring that we can get our athletes the best training possible!  We are helping to create an environment that is one of a kind in Colorado Youth Soccer!

Reasons To Support Us:

Other News & Notes

Most fundraisers held nowadays give the opportunity to earn between $0.30 and $0.50 on the dollar.  With this helicopter ball drop, SLHS Athletes will have the opportunity to earn 100% on the dollar, making it by far the most profitable event we will do this year!

You have an opportunity to win some great prizes in return, so don't think your contribution is going unnoticed!

Hey, for one of the prizes being given away, why NOT donate what you can to help someone close to you?


Thank you again  for your support!

When most athletic organizations around the country bring you boring candy bar sales, we bring you something that's sure to make a splash! 


Buy some golf balls, get into the craziest raffle style event you've ever seen!  We are taking every ball you buy and putting them into a helicopter, only to be dropped out over a stationary target.  If your ball ends up closest to the target, voila!  Ride off in the sunset with a basket full of prizes!

The best part of it is, the athletes you are donating to have a chance to make 100% (or more) profit out of this event, so your contribution is actually making a real difference!  No more coupon books or cookie dough.  Let's buy some golf balls!  


PLEASE NOTE:  Each team has their own prizes


SLHS is utilizing the services of the only company in the country to set up Helicopter Golf Ball Drops for organizations.  Your e-receipt will say 'Golf Ball Droppers' and their help is greatly appreciated!

Ball Droppers owner Luke Meadows is a class of '98 Alum of SLHS as well!

SLHS Athletics Golf Ball Drop

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